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Not done learning yet?

With Go, you will never be done learning.

Go wiki

This is a Go player’s Wikipedia. It is not perfect but it is the best we have and is packed with information.

Online resources and tutorials

Go Magic

Learn go in a fun way! State-of-the-art video lessons with built-in puzzles, Skill Tree, tools and materials to take your game to the next level. From complete beginners to advanced players. Both free and paid premium content.

Online “Go Clubs”

Open Study Room

An amazing project run by a dear friend of mine. It is basically a Go club online. Lectures and reviews by high-dan or even professional players, league games for prizes, lots of friendly advice…

BeginnerGo Discord sever

A discord server for players to meet and help each other out.

Video Lectures

(there are a lot to choose from, so just to cover the basics…)

Nick Sibicky

Great guy, publishing actual lectures from an American Go club. I think these are great for beginners.


A famous high dan player with highly regarded “Basic series” which focuses on the fundamentals. Might be good knowing a bit already before watching.

Official AGA channel

Probably for those at least around Single digit kyu level. Hosting reviews by the absolutely phenomenal Michael Redmond (9p).

Sunday Go Lessons

Posting translated commentaries from Japanese title matches. Go watch Cho Chikun, it is a treat.

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